38Friends 46Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
Science/Catholic faith blog: - Photo Mine blog: — Science writer, English Wikipedia editor, lay catechist, mom of 2. Keywords blogging biology evolution faith health medicine psychology technology writing
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
bb just put cereal in my coffee (annoyed)
Ginkgo shares
15 years ago
MY NEW WEBSITE! Still in "development" but let me know what you think. www.independenthealthinf...
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
POLL: Do you use Entrecard?
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
Entrecard is slow this morning.
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
my kitten's getting neutered today! Maybe he'll slow down his relentless harassment of my middle aged lady cats a little bit.
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
why are mornings so hard? (:
Ginkgo says
15 years ago 1
(party) Happy birthday to me... the super bowl is upstaging me...
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
back from Mass & proclaiming the first reading. Happy birthday to me! I'm 100 today, as far as YOU know. :-) (party)
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
good night