38Friends 46Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
Science/Catholic faith blog: - Photo Mine blog: — Science writer, English Wikipedia editor, lay catechist, mom of 2. Keywords blogging biology evolution faith health medicine psychology technology writing
Ginkgo shares
15 years ago
Ginkgo says
15 years ago 1
good morning!
Ginkgo is
15 years ago
getting ready to go out for the evening with friends!
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
the Mormon church advertises on Are video game players underrepresented in the LDS church?
Ginkgo shares
15 years ago 1
my new blog Photo Mine! (woot)
Ginkgo says
15 years ago 1
Guess how much work I got done toward my deadlines? (woot)
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
morning, Plurkland. Deadlines are starting to loom. Time to work.
Ginkgo says
15 years ago 4
hi plurk! BB got 3 shots and a blood draw today!
Ginkgo says
15 years ago
I just MAARed. Sorry, I deplurked for over 24 hours. <3 you all
Ginkgo asks
15 years ago
what do you think of my new site?