68Friends 77Fans
female Rosedale, IN, United States
I am a self diagnosed craft-aholic not looking for a cure. I love making pretty things as well as things that smell wonderful and make my skin feel awesome. I really enjoy talking to other crafty people.
I have been married to Jose for a long time
Gingerbell says
13 years ago
stormy day here in the mid west. I think it's over for the most part
Gingerbell says
13 years ago
better get to beading...
Gingerbell says
13 years ago
What a beautiful day here in Indiana I have my window open and the birds are singing
Gingerbell says
13 years ago 4
My new business page is live. How does it look?
Gingerbell says
13 years ago
Good Day all!
Gingerbell says
13 years ago 4
The Oscars are cool and all but come on Today Show; didn't anything else important in the world happen to report about?
Gingerbell says
13 years ago 1
Good morning ...I'm getting ready to color my hair. I'm going lighter this time for fun
Gingerbell says
13 years ago
up early with a tummy ache.....time to make something pretty and ignore it.
Gingerbell says
13 years ago
Good night
Gingerbell says
13 years ago 2
well damn the pump isn't working in the espresso machine I got for Christmas....