12Friends 3Fans
female Princeton, WV, United States
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago
Deleting my Plurk. Best wishes to my plurkies out there!
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago
I wish my ass was as busy as my mind.
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago 10
I feel like such a failure in SL. :-(
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago 4
Happy Independence Day everyone and happy birthday to me and stuff. LOL
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago 1
This is one of those times I feel like giving up. Please say a prayer for me today.
GigiGlitter wonders
12 years ago 7
why she even logs in anymore.
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago 3
Rune Samuel Elijah Glitter! Why didn't you come home tonight? You know you can't stay away from home until you're 80!!! LOL
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago
Glitter family picnic tonight at 7pm. Don't forget!
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago 6
I sent out invitations to the family picnic tomorrow @ 7 p.m. If I missed anyone, please let me know and I will send you one in world.
GigiGlitter says
12 years ago 2
I'm baaaack! I missed and love my plurkies!!