57Friends 78Fans
Genessia City, Genessia, United States
This is the Official Plurk for the Dreamwidth RP game Genessia .

If you need to contact a mod, please check the mod contact page. While one mod may accidentally see a PP, this is only for posting news.
5 years ago 8
Hey everyone! Just a quick update and some reminders for you this fine August day.
5 years ago 2
CR Meme is live. Enjoy!
5 years ago 10
Activity Check-In! Please let us know which characters you're actively playing before August 31st. Super easy! Do it now so you won't have to do it later!
5 years ago 1
Week 4 Pokemon Lottery is now live! Entries must be received by Saturday, July 27 at Midnight.
5 years ago 6
Quick heads up that the week 3 Lottery is up and entries are due at midnight EST tonight
5 years ago 7
Attleton's Charm Quest starts today! Go get those parking tickets!
5 years ago 9 @Edit 5 years ago
Guardian Elections! Also if you haven't done it already, don't forget the Activity Check-In before the end of the month!
5 years ago
June 2019 Mod Report. Here's what we've been doing so far, please let us know what you think!