58Friends 79Fans
Genessia City, Genessia, United States
This is the Official Plurk for the Dreamwidth RP game Genessia .

If you need to contact a mod, please check the mod contact page. While one mod may accidentally see a PP, this is only for posting news.
4 years ago 43
An update, several announcements, and seeking feedback.
4 years ago
Want to be mayor? Let us know! Elections will take place if there's enough interest, and if not, enjoy an easy win.
5 years ago 24
AC sweeps are done, as well as some housekeeping on the Player Contact Page. Please double check your info to make sure everything is still accurate for your characters, and lmk if any discrepancies. Thanks!
5 years ago 75
Doom Train update! End of Day 2 Elimination and the start of Day 3!
5 years ago 12
Final reminder that Activity Check-in is due on Saturday!
5 years ago 6
Doom Train not your thing? Never fear! The ATTLETON OLYMPICS are here!
5 years ago 27
All Aboard! Doom Train event is up! If your character signed up (all secondary characters made it), get your tasks done before the deadline!
5 years ago 20
All aboard the Doom Train! Everglade charm quest event for August!