2Friends 5Fans
female Springfield, MO, United States
Howdy! I like video games, knitting, and quilting. I might be an old lady in a younger lady's skin.
6 years ago 60
Hey wow reading a novella about what happened during he Pre-Patch events sure didn’t make me feel better about it, go figure!
6 years ago 2
I have found the perfect rep to grind for my Talon (feral) Druid! All set by Aviana and everything! have to kill people in specific pvp areas for them to drop a token that gives you 100 rep a go. Until honored :|
7 years ago 43
So I can’t decide what sort of horde kid to use for my 110 level boost so I can unlock horde allied races...
7 years ago 3
hey, hey, who's this?
7 years ago 1
My plan: Friday, I rent a storage unit. I move what all I can, let my cousin know, have my folks help with furniture, be out by the end of the month
7 years ago
today a man on the internet taught me how book series work.
7 years ago 4
Hoooooly shit patreon is about to shoot itself in both feet.
7 years ago 4
LFR continues to be a blessing for the me who wants to see content but doesn’t/can’t keep a raid schedule.

Also I want one of those sweet new hellhound mounts.
7 years ago 28
[WoW] still a little put out nightborne are going horde but I am amused one of the lady jokes/flirts is asking if tyrande is seeing anyone because she still looks good after all these years.
7 years ago 20
The only thing worse than feeling like you are boring and alienating someone is realizing that oh yeah no you super are and they weren’t telling you.