6 years ago
Hey wow reading a novella about what happened during he Pre-Patch events sure didn’t make me feel better about it, go figure!
latest #60
6 years ago
Yes, give me names and characters to get attached to before you kill them all. Let me know nelves managed to take back some of Ashenvale before losing it again here :|
6 years ago
Also come on it’s been long enough can we remember night elf blood isn’t red?
6 years ago
jason mentioned something today "we know elune is real now, since she helped ysera. where is she in all of this?"
6 years ago
Being too damn subtle to be useful :|
6 years ago
i had a more sarcastic answer :-P
6 years ago
Managed to stay Saurfang‘s hand so he didn’t kill Malfurion, numbed the folks in Darnassus who couldn’t escape so they died sleeping and not burning in agony.
6 years ago
"Intervention is on cooldown" :-P
6 years ago
Healing Mia Greymane’s horrifically broken legs. But that’s about it.
6 years ago
Also Tyrande got to name an orphan baby nelf Finel because she was the very last elf through the portal.
6 years ago
A name truly on par with Dara’s second kid being named Solis (solace)
6 years ago
Also apparently bathing in moonwells is the most efficient way to heal up using them, who knew?
6 years ago
world of grey, no good or evil here folks
6 years ago
WhOoOo CoUlD hAvE bUrNeD tHe TrEe??? As though it wasn’t obvious from the moment we knew who was narrating the teaser trailer :|
6 years ago
And what do we get in return? The ruins of a human city that’s too plagued to be useful. Yet more refugees living in Stormwind, and no one in the embassy is updated at all so Genn is still talking about Argus while his people are outside.
6 years ago
His people who, if I’m reading the novella right, got evacuated first before the elves started!
6 years ago
(Granted at that time the tree wasn’t burning and it was likely they were going to be merely occupied, but still. :| )
6 years ago
Now I’m picking through the horde one, which is careful to mention that oh yes the night elves would have very sound strategies! ...if not for the bad information we’re giving them!
6 years ago
On top of all that the horde side is telling me even the first fight between Nathanos and Saurfang wasn’t even a real one.
6 years ago
The only good thing is there’s a hunter with a pet who isn’t rexxar. Even if it is a gobber with a crab.
6 years ago
Okay, finished the horde one. Fuck off, Saurfang, this was so much more your fault than I previously thought.
6 years ago
Fuck you, your fucking dishonorable axe throw, fuck this whole plan you hatched with Sylvanas.
6 years ago
You’d better find some way to die while trying to make the barest of amends. It won’t be enough, but you can’t go back to the horde now.
6 years ago
I don’t care what anyone says, you aren’t escaping the stockades to come back and save the horde. There’s no place left for you.
6 years ago
(“Oh but Amanda the alliance does bad things in BFA too!” Oh fuck off we manage to sink a single ship on the zandalari fleet. The horde obviously does more damage on their side.)
6 years ago
(I do have to say killing Malfurion could have been interesting except for the fact he heads a faction that straight up involves player characters, so that would be too tricky to navigate.)
6 years ago
(Also because that might actually make Elune sit up and take notice of something and help when Tyrande comes to level the thirty mile radius around Sylvanas’ head)
6 years ago
shamans and druids shouldnt have to be there. its not cool
6 years ago
6 years ago
Anduin ughhhhhhhhhhh
6 years ago
She was never going to surrender Anduin you played right into her hands. Sylvanas was actually unarmed and without Nathanos but no you wanted to talk :|
6 years ago
You had Alleria, Genn, and Jaina with you. We could have ENDED THIS.
6 years ago
But no. Congrats Anduin, they got away. You won a city so saturated with plague it will never be usable again.
6 years ago
I do have to say, though. Jaina’s entrance on the scene flying in on her father’s risen battleship and firing arcane cabins at the walls of lordaeron City was pretty great.
6 years ago
Jaina Proudmoore is perhaps the greatest mage alive today, and don’t you ever forget it :|
6 years ago
(Short of Azshara, of course. She could probably stand toe-to-toe with Khadgar)
6 years ago
sylvanis still has 3 backup lives, not much you can actually do to- fuck me thats a stereotypical raid boss phasing isnt it.
6 years ago
Does she still have three after Nathanos?
6 years ago
I think so? she used to have four and last I checked it was three still?
6 years ago
Would she use another one on him if he went down in her place?
6 years ago
i dunno shes pretty determined not to go back to the Dark Place like ever, and she doesn't have refills
6 years ago
But she did blow one on him before... they’re real weird.
6 years ago
(Of course I’m into them)
6 years ago
she did but wasnt that BEFORE she lost her chance at refills in stormheim?
6 years ago
That’s true, I suppose. I saw someone who
Thinks her end goal might actually be Elune.
6 years ago
I mean, she did turn into a night elf for awhile till she got her own model :-P
6 years ago
We’ll kill her, and Nathanos will be the boss immediately before her, because even if he knows she’s too far gone, his place is at her side, no matter what :-P it’s been far, far too long.
6 years ago
Also, the answer to a question I didn’t know I was curious about: yes, people have noticed he’s gotten a new body. No, no one wants to ask him how or why.
6 years ago
(Elves, man. Sleep with one once and you’re loyal to them forever, apparently)
6 years ago
Then use her valkyr to bring Vol'jin all the way back! :-P
6 years ago
6 years ago
I’m down to let Baine try.
6 years ago
baine has yet to speak up against any of the aweful shit going on around him, at least voljin has the excuse of being dead and DID speak out against garrosh
6 years ago
The current problem Baine has is Sylvanas knows he and Anduin are on good terms and is holding it over his head. If he steps up too much it’ll probably go badly for his people, so he’s stuck.
6 years ago
But if we can clear her out, it might be a good starting place to try and negotiate some kind of thing resembling peace. Or at least as close as we can get after Teldrassil :|
6 years ago
Besides, didn’t we burn Vol’jin’s body?
6 years ago
Who would we sacrifice to- wait, I know just the troll to kill off :|
6 years ago
6 years ago
It’s not even been a week and I’m so sick of this dumb troll kid :|
6 years ago
zenkiki for warcheif?
6 years ago
Better than fuckin’ “Zappy Boi” Zen’Kiki for warchief!
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