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female Belgium
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
Xixi heeft geen probleem voor courgette en brocolli... I
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
Chicken on the second day...two teaspoon with lotsss of rice and 70 gram carrot, all gone!!!
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
First time chicken!About one teaspoon.
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
Xixi had carrot,sweet potatoes and spinazie for her veges.Also tried wgite rice.Fruits:apple,banana and pear. Plan to give chicken tomorrow!
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
六個月健檢出壐壐體重落在50%下 護士阿姨要媽媽除了下午的水果餐和晚餐之外 多加一餐牛奶cereal 女兒啊 拼了 不要輸給小比人
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
壐壐今早從沙發上摔下來了 嚇死媽媽我也 還好經過一天的觀察後是沒事的 (tears)
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
BIRTHDAY PARTY from Steve and Garrincha went well
FuchsiaChen says
14 years ago
Back from the family party, boring and bad food...but had the 1st kriek IN OVER A YEAR! Xixi was awfully behavd