Instead of a Poet Laureate, government at every level: City, County, State, Federal, should have an Anthropologist In Residence ...
If you said what you meant, and meant what you said, I wouldn't HAVE to read between the lines ...
That kids were taught how to communicate better, while in school, as opposed to being taught that how they feel is all that matters...
Do you wonder why people treat you differently from other people, and then pretend they don't?
McCain can't lose, unless he is caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy ...
Predicts that the Democratic Presidential Campaign is officially over ...
predicts that McCain's Victory Map will look like Bush's two maps... The Democrats will blame the choice of Biden for the loss
recovering slowly but surely from his Rabies shots!
really a nice guy with a lot of stuff going on his life ... =;-}
I really have no idea what the "key" to this is ... ?