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male Taipei, Taiwan
Formosahut thinks
6 years ago
I'm surprised to see Plurk is still going.
Formosahut is
10 years ago
Call me square, but this is just creepy: HPA to subsidize artificial fertilization starting in 2015
Formosahut is
10 years ago
Anitvenom shortage, but no snake shortage on the East Coast! Watch out friends! Lack of antivenom poses risks in rural areas of east coast - Taip...
Formosahut is
10 years ago
Well they have to make their money somehow, and they want more! Tourism Bureau cracking down on illegal lodgings
Formosahut is
10 years ago
Young Aboriginal activists took issue with Hualien County allowing a troupe from China’s Guangxi Province to perform at a village-focused Ilisin festival Amis youth stop foreign performers - Taipei Times
Formosahut is
10 years ago
“Now, everyone, let’s take a look over there. You can see the staff are performing the act of working,” a tour guide said, pointing to employees behind a glass door. Indigenous matters - Taipei Times