人為什麼都不自覺 像個孩子的人 總是像個孩子 自己很討厭的事 自己卻都做到
今天特別覺得自己是白癡 太矛盾了 哇勒充啥小 實在是太靠背了
加油吧 希望下次見到妳 我會覺得我完全不認識妳 那妳就成功了 所以不用再去在意不該在意的 跟著自己的心走 就算會撞牆 也要跟著自己心走 畢竟船到橋頭自然直 不然把它撞直 就好了 see you that`s of
過去的 都過去了 或許會覺得可惜 因為一點都沒察覺到 基本上我是甚麼樣的人 在意的是 我自己發現 如果是妳跟我說的話 我會尊重你的決定 那是我CARE的 因為那是妳的決定 既然你想過了 哪可能說甚麼呢 就只會祝福吧
Jenny what`s the problem?
Thanks that you had ever been my life! So I decide to let it go. I smile in this moment, thank thay girl for teaching those thing!
I really hope you will be happy in this decision, so I bless you, and I think I should tell you that thank you.
Maybe that it`s too fast for me, or maybe it`
s ridiculous to me ,but that`s your decision. so I respect your decision, that`
s of
My intuition has been accurate all the time, although you don`t tell me, but I find something by my intuition. it`
s too obvious !