Ryan (=
41Friends 11Fans
male Singapore
A 14+ year old boy who is studying for O Levels.
A devoted Christian
A teen who has done a Gundam Figurine haha.
A reader of my display pic haha.
A teenager who wants more KARMA!!
Ryan (= says
14 years ago 3
Hmm i'm back folks...but is it the right time??
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 7
Bye plurkers!! And i found out something. Fishes do talk even when they are cooked. *Glances at Andy Mok* haha. bye once again! (wave)
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 12
Voting time. Question is who feels that biology common test is SIAO or not please respond to my plurk even if you didn't take bio.
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 2
and hi plurkers...
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 3
dunno what's wrong with me but here i am plurking....
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 1
gtg plurkers!! Bye!! Hehe. (wave)
Ryan (= says
15 years ago
plurklayouts.com i mean hehe.
Ryan (= says
15 years ago
plurklayputs.com does not have free plurklayouts anymore??
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 10
hmm i think i will go apply for Level Coordinator post hehe....but low percentage to get it....
Ryan (= says
15 years ago 2
Hi everyone!! I'm haha plurking now although my karma frozen hehe.