42Friends 14Fans
male Grayson, GA, United States
7 years ago 3
Finally put my telescope to good use today. Luckily I had gotten a solar filter for it a year ago but today was the first time I used it. Alas, my cats had knocked my cell phone bracket behind the desk so I didnt find it in time.
8 years ago 3
I am eating a strawberry cheese cake flavored kit-kat from Singapore. Some folks from our office there brought them by during a visit today. These things are damn good.
9 years ago 5
My cats can be little pills sometimes, but they definitely help me to de-stress. It is always calming having one climb in my lap and petting it.
9 years ago 4
Someone needs to make a sim with a geriatrics home in SL so I can take my almost 11yr old avi and sit on the porch and yell at alll you young whippersnappers to get off the lawn.
9 years ago 8
Today marks the 100th anniversary of the unofficial "Christmas Truce". WW1 had been raging for 5 months and almost a million men had already lost their lives.