77Friends 37Fans
female Jacksonville, FL, United States
Second Life resident/explorer
infected with the Peter Pan syndrome
Elora wonders
13 years ago 6
"Am I the only one who panics while pressing enter? DID I spell everything correctly???????" (unsure)
Elora is
13 years ago 22
exhausted. One hundred and ten, Swedish meatballs are in the oven. WHY do I do it????? :-o
Elora loves
13 years ago 3
this quote, "Be confident. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be something we aren't...
Elora wants
13 years ago 2
Elora asks
13 years ago 30
"What have I Missed?"
Elora wonders
13 years ago 6
if little girls EVER sleep at sleep-overs.
Elora feels
13 years ago 12
Elora asks
13 years ago 17
"How do you answer this question; Where does anger come from?" (thinking)
13 years ago 9
misses everyone. (cozy) I promise to improve my aim.
Elora wonders
13 years ago 10
why it's been 2months since she plurked. (doh)