191Friends 110Fans
female NY, United States
Just another girl using SL,
not important

My flickr too
Ela says
4 years ago
Wow, it's been YEARS since I used Plurk. SL was on my mind for some reason and decided to take a trip down memory lane... I'm sure I've become a forgotten memory by now to those I became friends with
Ela says
10 years ago
_Scarlot_ You were always awesome as well. I hope you have been doing well all this time :-D
Ela says
10 years ago
Anyway I do really hope all the people I met are doing well. I will say I really miss my SL sis Gita :-)
Ela says
10 years ago
After all that I just never really felt the same about SL and the people who were "popular" and just everything about the community. I took time off and came back but and had some fun times after that
Ela says
10 years ago
Ahh I told AradiaD anyway. I mean If he was getting serious with her she should know what he had asked. Looking back at it. Well I was young and foolish. I took things to heart way too much
Ela says
10 years ago
I was so torn I said ok. I was sad and mad but I thought, who am I to get in the way. I'm nothing. I mean this guy gets close then pretty much throws me aside for someone else.
Ela says
10 years ago
He did message me though after awhile once to ask me not to tell AradiaD about us or anything that went on while we were close. Never said I'm sorry.
Ela says
10 years ago
M4rk3tt0 never said, hey let's stop, let's just be friends. He continued to get close to Aradia and then when he no longer hung out or contacted me I go it.
Ela says
10 years ago
Anyway I guess it really changed me and my view of SL when he started talking and hanging with Aradia in SL. I didn't know they had become more than friends.
Ela says
10 years ago
I remember talking about pasta, just being silly, photoshop things, movies.. ect. Thinking back on it now...