1Friends 1Fans
female Makati, Philippines
14 years ago
speeches are so hard!!!! :'-(
Elainers wishes
14 years ago
HE is so0o0o0o0 last year. (LOL)
Elainers wishes
14 years ago
to take a photo of me under the pouring rain. (so emotional) :'-(
Elainers feels
14 years ago
like jumping off a cliff! (LOL)
Elainers hates
14 years ago
Elainers wishes
15 years ago
people could just tell me the truth. they don't know what it feels like being blind.
Elainers feels
15 years ago
sad.... :'-(
Elainers is
15 years ago
yes! gpa internet mi sa amung teacher sa computer! naka get man gud mi og perfect sa quiz. hahaha. six ra mi nag internet out of 39.
Elainers is
15 years ago
having my c0usins day!
Elainers is
15 years ago
i'd rather know the truth than be a blind a person, not knowing anything.