19Friends 30Fans
female Milan, Italy
"Primus vivere, deinde philosophare"

"I find soap bubbles extremely amusing"

"same here"

“I do a great deal of research - particularly in the apartments of tall blondes”

my monthly podcasting:
15 years ago 1
claps her hands at Peter for his writing skills
Eidur shares
15 years ago 2
http://www.flickr.com/photos/eidur/3430161900/ some "homemade" porn... explicit pic! ((homemade porn... explicit!))
Eidur is
16 years ago
back home after a short jam session... nitey plurkers!!!
Eidur says
16 years ago 1
everything went good... I now haz working SLI! X-( (and can't wait to test AA up to x32 with SL)...
Eidur is
16 years ago 4
installing new hardware... wish me luck :-)
Eidur is
16 years ago
just off one of the most boring days of her office-life!
Eidur has
16 years ago
lost another bid on eBay! :-(