178Friends 56Fans
female Acton, CA, United States
Psychologist, Shakespearean, host of the CogKnitive Podcast, llama-mama, dogophile. Life is glorious up on the farm!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 1
Episode 179 is live!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 1
Pleasant 3 mile run and 30 minutes walking. Drank 580 calorie milkshake for brunch to compensate....love fitbit!
DrGemma says
10 years ago
Please stay safe, all you MWerners! That weather map is scary...
DrGemma says
10 years ago 3
Homemade yogurt strained to make Greek form--BEST! Tastes like whipped cream!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 2
2.75 miles in 75 degree heat. WOOT! What shall I eat for lunch after my shower?
DrGemma says
10 years ago 1
So breakfast was a cup of fresh yogurt with half a banana sliced in and a tablespoon of raspberry freezer jam stirrred in. Now straining some of the yogurt for greek yogurt.
DrGemma says
10 years ago 3
Got up at 5 to decant homemade yogurt. It's delish!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 3
So the outcome: 5 jars sour cherry jelly, 4 jars grape jelly, 6 pints bread & butter pickles, and dinner of Greek chicken and roasted veggies. Yogurt cooling on counter.
DrGemma says
10 years ago 2
Milk for yogurt in crockpot is at 130F, cukes and onions for bread & butter pickles are soaking in salt water, canner is heating to make sour cherry jelly. Now just need to get the jelly going!
DrGemma says
10 years ago 9
Pickles, jelly, yogurt making for me!