8Friends 1Fans
male Hualien, Taiwan
Like science, music, reading! Trying my best to learn more knowledge, looking forward to find out what I'm interest!
Dermrian wonders
11 years ago
Lord, I have already known my incompetence. Please, don't bring another challenge for me! I know I was wrong! I need someone to help me, please!
Dermrian says
11 years ago
Dermrian says
11 years ago
For the wretched of the earth there is a flame that never dies.Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
Dermrian feels
11 years ago
這是我寫報告的心聲!XDDLes Misérables  One Day More Les Misérables One Day More
Dermrian feels
11 years ago 1
房間,空了。而人,也去了。縱然有生氣,有煩心。但依舊,不捨得那份別離。我是風,那飄去、無記憶的風。或許記憶不長久,但依舊能吹給你一份回憶。今晚的風,載著我對你的祝福,以及我不敢在你面前道出的: 再會....
Dermrian shares
11 years ago
Dermrian thinks
11 years ago
照理來說這應該是鬼片吧?但不知為何,我看完後笑了快半個小時... 呪怨 ―ドナルド―呪怨 ―ドナルド―
Dermrian feels
11 years ago 3
Dermrian says
11 years ago