25Friends 7Fans
female Philippines
Don't waste your time regretting all your wrongs.
Know that in the end, you'll get what your heart longs.
Try not to risk it all; don't fall.
Take the time to read the writings on the wall.
Hold your head high; don't be afraid to say GOODBYE!
demz sinasabi
14 years ago
OKs na broadband conecction pede na mg hadeek ulit haha LOLz
demz says
14 years ago
wa wenta ang globe :| kaya dee ako mkpg net
demz feels
14 years ago
Being VACANT is my choice. (wave)
demz shares
14 years ago
demz shares
14 years ago
(music) pagdilat, Ikaw agad ang hinahanap s umaga (rock)
demz was
14 years ago
HAPPY :-) with my girlfriends,latchnine. (cozy)
demz hopes
14 years ago
our globe connection must be on normal state. lge nlng unavailable khit todo bayad nman. lugeeeeee :-(
demz feels
14 years ago
(: (hungry) (hungry) spell DYETA hahaha
demz feels
14 years ago
mpg isip na umaga.haha :-)
demz shares
14 years ago
UPLOD photo muna :-)