56Friends 24Fans
female Tampa, FL, United States
Adult Avie: Deja Luminos
Kid: Kiki Iali (iaLi)

6 years ago
has anyone gotten any updates on Aya... I Had a dream about her last night
7 years ago
Dinner at O'Hare... want something totally "Chicago" you just can't get elsewhere... suggestions?
9 years ago 6
I'm a bit out of the loop...sl furniture specifically bedroom?
♥Kiki/Deja♥ 希望
9 years ago 4
What app do you guys use to customize your phone themes?
10 years ago 1
I'm not sure if I like Sims 4 yet or not. It brings back a lot of classic Sims features that addicted all of us in the first place... not neccasarly a bad thing. I find the new UI confusing.
10 years ago 2
Anyone read the Sylvia Day Crossfire series? Opinions?
10 years ago
I have second spaces pantry rare snacks to trade for rare Jam or I'll buy the Jam off of you...
10 years ago 3
Mesh birdbath?
♥Kiki/Deja♥ shares
10 years ago 3
Good Morning
11 years ago 3
Any pose shops that have gift certificates?