7Friends 1Fans
female Serbia
Nippon lover,Jrock/VisualKei - My way of life! Fav.bands: Girugamesh,Deluhi,-OZ-,Luzmelt, Baelscope,and many more.Positive person, like to love, and being loved.I adore my internet friends,InReal friends and my BF.I am OTAKU! Y(^_^)
DeeDee@Roof is
14 years ago
Enjoying in the musiiic.
DeeDee@Roof is
14 years ago
Chillin' and listening to Miyavi. :3
DeeDee@Roof is
14 years ago 2
happy becouse radio made her day with AWESOME songs. :-D
DeeDee@Roof is
14 years ago
Using plurk again. :-)