65Friends 56Fans
male Payson, AZ, United States
Busy Catholic Deacon in love with the Lord and His Church (people sometimes optional - smile)
DeaconTom has
14 years ago
a dozy feeling coming on but it's far too early to give in.... any suggestions? How about episode one of the first year of LOST?
DeaconTom has
14 years ago
just bought 4 pancake breakfast tickets from 4 high school track team members... a sure sale for four smiling teens!
DeaconTom is
14 years ago
heading to the park with Holly... please don't tell my wife :-)
DeaconTom is
14 years ago 1
back from a dog walk; I'm not thinking Arby's... I'm thinking dessert of some kind.
DeaconTom is
14 years ago
readying for 3rd interview of the day. I demand a pay raise!!
DeaconTom says
14 years ago
I'm preaching tomorrow and Friday. Do we have any St. Monica (Friday) devotees out there? Are you praying for your offspring? Don't give up!
DeaconTom says
14 years ago
I don't do it often enough, but lunch today included some quiet Scripture reading. Quite settling... thought provoking... beautiful!
DeaconTom says
14 years ago
hot enough to fry eggs on the sidewalk today. I wonder if that'll kill the virus that's in every egg in America :-)
DeaconTom says
14 years ago
early shutdown this evening; heading towards a deacon 'convocation' tomorrow & into the weekend.
DeaconTom says
14 years ago 2
time to cut the most harmongous watermelon of this summer. We'll have leftovers if interested :-)