20Friends 51Fans
male Ciputat, Indonesia
RahadianAgung says
14 years ago
says The secret to do a good search strategy is found between the lines
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says Bisa karena biasa, karena sudah biasa maka jadinya gak special. qouteoftheday
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says Winning begins and ends with the power of information. You control others by controlling their perceptions suntzu (gak bisa t
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says Did you know : The first online advertising banner was developed by AT&T in 1994 to promote its "You Will" campaign on the si
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says no buzz no glory :-P
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says gmail + buzz ?
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says Jakarta friday traffic madness. Salah siapa?
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
says Research firm Canalys estimates 25.9 million people were actively using GPS on their mobile phones by end 2009 - > 2010 socia
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
Tkg parkir: "Cari mobilnya ya pak?" Gue: "iya ni" Tkg parkir: "emang td parkir dmana pak?" greatconversation!
RahadianAgung says
15 years ago
Gerakan 10juta pesbuker dukung haram untuk rebonding! Coz its sooo last year gt loch