13Friends 9Fans
male Minneapolis, MN, United States
Daningo says
12 years ago
Fried up a batch of 30 ft walleye at my brother's cabin Sunday night. Incredibly tender. 30 ft from the filet station to the fryer
Daningo says
12 years ago 6
My Brother lost two cylinders on his 12 yr old Johnson 115 horse on Sunday - had a new etec Evinrude 115 on it by Tuesday night
Daningo says
12 years ago 1
Fun with Reddit www.wired.com/underwire/...
Daningo says
13 years ago 20
stock up LSJ - Hostess may be going bankrupt
Daningo says
13 years ago 1
signed up at codeyear to see if I can learn how to code by email - Isn't that how Lincoln became a lawyer?
Daningo says
13 years ago
just read an ask metafilter post on Universal Unitarianism - one claimed to be a fallen UUer. how can you fall from there?
Daningo says
13 years ago 3
anyone up for a sail through the panama canal and up to Duluth? t.co/9chQGSdx
Daningo says
13 years ago 9
Plurk has been banned at work, keep forgetting to check on my phone at work
Daningo says
13 years ago 4
it was good to remember Jean Wahl today