7Friends 1Fans
male Caloocan, Philippines
A guy who waste his time doing nothing...
All he do is sleeps or just play vg to fight boredom
some says he's a psp boy but there's a big mistake there...
He's not F*!#ing obsessed with his freaking psp d@*nit xD
RoHolx has
15 years ago
tonsillitis :-(
RoHolx has
15 years ago
watch the new paramore vid! Hayley's blonde :-o PARAMORE: Brick By Boring Brick
RoHolx says
15 years ago
RoHolx wishes
15 years ago
to go at jp's house but I have to many chores :'-(
RoHolx is
15 years ago
Is watching This is it :-)
RoHolx is
15 years ago
annoyed at himself :-o