My wife has an addiction: bubble wrap popping on her iPhone. Seems to relax her. Gonna call off the intervention.
I hear the steam whistle blowing. Either it's time to go home or that's "Allentown" starting up.
Hello everyone... so how's the Monday going? Manic? Do you wish it were Sunday. (That's our fun day, you know)
Hey, Kate Hudson's boyfriend is some kind of famovs sports dude and their team is going to Super Series or somethin'...
Great turnout at the Galileo Block Party. FACTOID: Jolie-Pitt is NOT a comet name.
Hello Sunday. Up early even though I went to bed late.
Enjoying some sloth. And some imitation lobster pupus. And some poke (POH-kay). Life ees good.
Off to do chores so that I may earn my afternoon of sloth. So beautiful today. I may vacuum the yard.
First one awake in the house except for the dogs. They are wide freaking awake. And want to play.
Let's get this weekend started. First things first: leave work!