5Friends 3Fans
male Bellevue, WA, United States
Husband to Ayame and occasional internet citizen. Video games are my forte, with a lot of smaller gaming and technology interests on the side.
11 years ago
The story of Ayame and my fishtank (and a nice picture) www.fishlore.com/fishfor...
11 years ago 2
Now to see if I can get a hold of a Surface 128mb
11 years ago 11
I'm breaking my regular silence to mention that Ayame and I are finally getting an aquarium. I've wanted one for more than a decade. Equipment is hand-me-down (and quite nice) any tips for fish and plants?
11 years ago 1
Hmm, Mechwarrior Tactics is up for paid Beta access https://mwtactics.com/fo...
12 years ago 2
So, no one posted anything during my last 4 or so TEW wrestling posts. (Not talking about people on here, more the people on the forum I'm posting to.)
12 years ago
Newest TEW wrestling post up, if anyone is interested www.greydogsoftware.com/...
12 years ago 2
Just about time to leave for my 5am Saturday work shift
12 years ago 1
Miasmata has been really awesome so far, but I'm afraid I'm not making progress fast enough and I might just keel over
12 years ago 9
Mark of the Ninja complete, which officially puts me one up on the complete/bought game ratio this year.
12 years ago 9
Game completion list for the year is as follows: