3Friends 8Fans
female Saint Johnsville, NY, United States
Uppity feminist, opinionated blogger, loves to knit and is a member of ravelry under the name eclectiques. I am a legal assistant and an antiques dealer by day, hooked on essential oils and love the Adirondacks.
CynNewYork feels
15 years ago
tired. I need coffee! :-&
CynNewYork wonders
15 years ago
why is it 30 degrees colder here than it was yesterday.
15 years ago
Rise and shine Plurkers! Another day of raking Pine needles at the Lake.
15 years ago
arse is dragging after raking up Pine needles and hoeing out the flower gardens (:
CynNewYork will
15 years ago
be off to the Lake to finish raking at camp. A pox on the black flies...
CynNewYork is
15 years ago
glad she reads so many smart women blogs
CynNewYork is
15 years ago 2
lounging on the deck, reading a book and enjoying 90 90 degree weather!
CynNewYork is
15 years ago
going to get down and dirty in the garden today
CynNewYork says
15 years ago
another two beautiful days on the horizon. Life is good. :-)
CynNewYork says
15 years ago
Happy Friday! f