441Friends 229Fans
female Bacoor, Philippines
♥i'm simple but sophisticated♥
♥i accepT AS WHo im♥
♥i'M A adventureR♥
♥I'M FAShionista♥
♥i'M PinK YELLOW LOver♥
♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥
14 years ago 3
SNo d2 ang JEJELMONSSS..!!!
♥cuTeLoveR♥ shares
14 years ago
tHAt i enjoyed our batch party last thursday...
15 years ago
haY..KAINis tlaga..away ko na mag batch party??!!! :'-(
♥cuTeLoveR♥ wishes
15 years ago
sNA mkahanaP na!!
15 years ago 2
why is that my karma is going down??i always check my plurk everyday..naman eh!!
♥cuTeLoveR♥ will
15 years ago
do my best!!1
♥cuTeLoveR♥ shares
15 years ago
gud byE Ka-plurks (LOL)
♥cuTeLoveR♥ shares
15 years ago
we are starting practicing this day..but we go home
♥cuTeLoveR♥ shares
15 years ago
anG gnda nG graduatioN song nmiN!!
♥cuTeLoveR♥ shares
15 years ago
guD aFternun..!!