happiness is in gratitude
a lot of fuckups in this country was and is caused by its own people. Other entities (countries/corporations; foreign/local) merely took and takes advantages of it.
people remember you more because of the feeling you inflicted in them, moreover bad feelings. Soo...
lebah itu banyak yang dikasih makan gula cair biar menghasilkan madu terus | lah? minum gula sendiri aja kalo gitu
beberapa baju itu lebih nyaman jika dikenakan terbalik memang
sometimes before you get sad and blame yourself, you might wanna check whether you're surrounded by jerks
there is an individual who forgets instruction not even one single minute after being told. I'm not even mad... I'm more amused.
kecap itu adalah madunya kedelai
accept simple pleasures that come to you. Rejoice every chance you have to be happy.
in public service, being given special service is wrong. It's unfair, creating gap/jealousy between consumer and tempt other to demand the special service as well. It leads to corruption.