38Friends 44Fans
male Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Cius wonders
9 years ago 1
Mahassahasi leh kenalan?
Cius bilang
14 years ago
"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us? You think that we don't recall them more clearly than ever in times of great trouble?"
Cius bilang
14 years ago
"Before you can change the world, you must realize you yourself are part of it.."
Cius bilang
14 years ago
"..dan jadi baru seluruh muka bumi.."
Cius bilang
14 years ago
"Ascendit Deus in iubilo, et Dominus in voce tubae. Psallite Deo, psallite; psallite regi nostro, psallite."
Cius bilang
14 years ago
Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy..
Cius bilang
14 years ago
Dolen i vâd o nin...
Cius bilang
14 years ago
Maka lihatlah mawarnya, dan jika engkau melihat mawarnya maka engkau akan menjadi penjaga taman..
Cius bilang
14 years ago
"But you can't believe every weird thing out there because you're desperate for an answer."
Cius bilang
14 years ago
“Now order the ranks, and fling wide the banners, for our souls are God's and our bodies the king's, and our swords for Saint George." :-P