26Friends 15Fans
male Manhattan, NY, United States
ChrisNick says
15 years ago
I have not fucking used Plurk in forever :-o
ChrisNick says
15 years ago 2
damn, my karam points were almost 50, now its 16.41 HAHAHA!
ChrisNick says
15 years ago
follow moi, on Twitter ;-)
ChrisNick says
15 years ago
my Karma was like almost 50, then i stopped using now its 36.12 =))
15 years ago
FAYYYUURR BURNNINNGGG - SEAN KINGSTON "somebody call 911" (music)
15 years ago
watched Hairspray and now "Welcome To The Sixites" is stuck in my head. Nikki Blonsky sucks.
ChrisNick thinks
15 years ago 1
Just Jared is more updated than OceanUp & plus, Jared got to meet alot of celebs. ;-)
ChrisNick is
15 years ago
listening to Good Girls Go Bad, (music) It's awe-some!! (dance)
ChrisNick says
15 years ago
you know I'm such a fool for you.
ChrisNick says
15 years ago
that he will use Plurk only to keep his points high, damn I lost like 8 karma points :|