6Friends 2Fans
male Stratford/Waterloo, ON, Canada
Chocoholic says
14 years ago 6
it's almost time to get back to work, have a quick break then out to see a client, it's going to be a busy day, but when isn't it a busy day
Chocoholic says
14 years ago
holy fuck, I haven't been on here in forever
Chocoholic is
14 years ago
heading down to waterloo for a couple months:-)...but still gotta work which sucks...but get to party a lot more:-D
Chocoholic is
14 years ago
taking the train tomorrow...WATERLOO for the weekend:-):-) *party*
Chocoholic feels
14 years ago
soo angry........I STEPPED IN DOG SHIT!!!!! UGGH (angry) lol
Chocoholic is
14 years ago
finally going to bed..omg soo tired...but soo glad I have the day off tomorrow:-)
Chocoholic is
14 years ago
going out for a quick lunch then back work:-)
Chocoholic is
14 years ago
going out for coffee since I got off early with all my buddies :-):-)
Chocoholic says
14 years ago
wow, haven't been on here for a long long time
Chocoholic is
14 years ago
working all day then gong to sleep lol then I am going to waterloo to work for a couple of days....sounds like fuuun haha