felt refreshed after the sweeping.
ok, waiting for myself got the money for Sony Xperia Z
該不該為了LTE放棄Nexus 4呢? 而且諸多抱怨說N4的電池極度不耐用
learning not to envy those who got the job which "seems" good but totally ruin ones life.
i love kelly clarkson but playing it out loud in the internet cafe is sth i wont do.
話說,是不是我們學的東西太單一領域所以才會常常落入學非所用的狀況? 如果是語言或商業等等可以應用在各領域中所以基本上每種工作皆可。慢慢覺得學非所用這也不是問題了,反正work is work, happy work is what i care abt
just saying, lots of med books are very worth reading.