35Friends 52Fans
male New York, NY, United States
16 years ago 5
Finally getting around to setting myself up on I had signed up months ago, but never used it.
16 years ago 2
Sweet, not only are all the companions guest starring, but even Richard Dawkins made a cameo. It's an atheist Dr. Who fanatic's wet dream!
16 years ago
matthewebel: try HelloTxt (, it lets you update to twitter, jaiku, pownce, facebook, myspace, bebo, linkedin, and plurk
16 years ago
matthewebel: try HelloTxt (, it lets you update to twitter, jaiku, pownce, facebook, myspace, bebo, linkedin, and plurk
16 years ago
matthewebel: try HelloTxt (, it lets you update to twitter, jaiku, pownce, facebook, myspace, bebo, linkedin, and plurk
16 years ago
I'll be recoding tonight, since they need their website up for the Fancy Food Show tomorrow. Joy Joy. (hmm, how much extra to charge....?)
16 years ago
jeffhinz: I hate to break it to you, but Kurt Loder has looked scruffy and old since the 1980's! Only now it's cuz he's REALLY old
16 years ago
My MacBookPro was so hot tothe touch it was burning my hands while typing! I had to lay blue ice packs on it to cool it down! Yowsa!!!
16 years ago
PuppiesAndDogs: Oh, that's easy. I just don't sleep! Thanks for the compliments. Now tell all your friends to subscribe! :-)
16 years ago 8
OK, joining the hellotxt revolution. Apparently, this has been around for awhile and I just haven't run across it.