Yoon Doo Joon
181Friends 180Fans
male Makati, Philippines
I am:
Fashion Designer

My mission in Life is to become a Leader and empower others to become Stronger Leaders
Yoon Doo Joon says
13 years ago 1
People become insecure when they discovered someone stronger than them. Therefore, showing off powers may gather up War. A bad practice...
Yoon Doo Joon says
13 years ago 3
This video is public >:-) ping.fm/jpxGj
Yoon Doo Joon says
13 years ago 1
He had ruled his Kingdom like putting all birds in one cage. And now, he forgot to close and lock the cage after serving the birds meal.
Yoon Doo Joon says
13 years ago
Update: I have purged my old multiply account vincevil.multiply.com I'll make a new one instead. Meanwhile, keep in touch in facebook :-)
Yoon Doo Joon
13 years ago
3.bp.blogspot.com/_8Zq-n... fogihdlhgdfhlgkdfhhdf;bhludfhl;uhfdug
Yoon Doo Joon
13 years ago 1
I just saw a baby heron near our house. O_O It's my first time to see that kind of bird. He has a beautiful and big wings. Grabe!!
Yoon Doo Joon
13 years ago 1
is now so LSS on Mblaq's Cry. Tumataas yung mga balahibo ko! This happens whenever I listened to songs that touches ones emotion...
Yoon Doo Joon
13 years ago 1
my plurk changed setting by itself. naging Chinese yung interface ko :-(
Yoon Doo Joon shares
13 years ago 2
Jennifer Lopez - On The Floor ft. Pitbull (dance)
Yoon Doo Joon says
14 years ago 3
This message is dedicated to all the good boys out there "Buong puso magmahal ang babae, don't just relax, love them back or else goodbye."