24Friends 3Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
13 years ago 18
wow. Evil conspiracy on FB apparently :-( Feel so left out
Cenobyte shares
13 years ago 4
one of these for myself, Bethamus and our Neice Tamara. Pretty awesome for youe zombie hunters! https://store.nwtmint.co...
Cenobyte shares
13 years ago 9
Cenobyte says
14 years ago 13
got pooped on for CC hotel room. Dana mission bay hotel. 7 miles away :-( NOT going to be reserving that
Cenobyte shares
14 years ago 7
Fiddler on the Roof - You Got Served Trailer Mashup
Cenobyte is
14 years ago 10
missing Jerry so much. I saw his special milk and his food in the fridge. He was such a part of our lives for th elast 10 months :-(
Cenobyte says
14 years ago 19
We lost Jerry overnight. The little guy is now where he can run and play again. I already miss him. :-(
Cenobyte says
14 years ago 6
Thank you everyone for the wonderful Birthday wishes :-) You all rock
Cenobyte says
14 years ago 4
Anyone else having probs getting on facebook and it loading properly?