260Friends 193Fans
female United States
Carissa says
7 years ago
Someone take Flickr away from me. I need an intervention!
Carissa says
7 years ago
how am I supposed to make shape demos now that you can hide your hands and feet?
Carissa says
7 years ago @Edit 7 years ago going to list my first Bento shape for sale on Marketplace. Is $L300 a fair price for shapes these days? (mod/copy of course)
Carissa says
7 years ago 9
I can't stop messing with my head. Which face shape is most appealing to you?
Carissa says
7 years ago
Can't. Stop. Tweaking. Shape. I think I need an intervention.
Carissa says
7 years ago 1
Time for a glass of wine and a couple of episodes of This is Us. (I'm so hooked on this show, and trying to catch up). Night night!
Carissa says
7 years ago 5
Is there really no fix yet for the double alpha issue? I keep running into it. First with hair and top and now with dress and gloves. So FRUSTRATING! HELP!
Carissa says
7 years ago 4
Spent the weekend converting my blog from wordpress to my own domain. Set up a facebook page, pinterest and google plus. Exhausting!!
Carissa says
7 years ago
Is this still on? Back in SL and what a STEEP learning curve! love love love bento.
Carissa says
11 years ago 1
FFofSL says "So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!!"