50Friends 26Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
Programmer/Graphic Designer, Social Media nut, Golfer, So.Cal guy!
CantonDog is
16 years ago 2
ready for a 4 day weekend! (s_dance)
16 years ago
freaking tweaked his neck again and is damn mad about it. Going to bed in hopes it feels better tomorrow... doubt it though. (s_angry)
CantonDog is
16 years ago
waiting for a micro blogging site that lets you post 141 characters... wouldn't *that* be something! :-P
CantonDog is
16 years ago 6
wondering what's going in Plurkland
CantonDog is
16 years ago 2
trying to finish up work today
16 years ago 3
took two days off from Plurk because he was golfing in Palm Springs. Back now though :-)
CantonDog is
16 years ago
up at 3:34 am because he's about to leave for Palm Springs to play 2 rounds of golf today (g_applause)
16 years ago
hasn't been on Plurk in a day in a half--DOH! (g_doh)
CantonDog says
16 years ago 24
The dog ate 2 packs of gum today. Why dog, why?
CantonDog wants
16 years ago 1
to know why he can't see responses in the mobile version anymore :-(