牽你的手 走著小路。牽你的手 不驚風雨。。。雖然路途 有風有雨。我也甘願 受盡苦楚。。。牽你的走 走咱的路。牽阮的手 淋著小雨。。。。。。。。。牽你的手....走著小路......牽你的手....不驚風雨.............
Living life as joy & ease is spirituality. Spirituality is not some ritual; it’s a very pleasant state of being.” -Sri Sri..
You don’t need to worry to maintain knowledge. When knowledge is lodged in you as wisdom, it will never leave you.” -Sri Sri..
“If you do any SEVA (service) just to gain merit or credit, then it is not a SEVA (service) any more.” -Sri Sri...
Prayer means not just sitting and saying so many words, but being in the serene, calm space, meditative state."-Sri Sri...
"Think about what you can do for others rather than just about yourself. Energize yourself with some service activity."-Sri Sri..