38Friends 12Fans
female Singapore
Punggol Secondary School
15 years ago 12
and tmr , there's test again. What this. Oh , i might as well die better ):
CWeiLing says
15 years ago
get on having 3 test in a single day , lesson after lesson . stressed yknow asss.
CWeiLing says
15 years ago
okay , no posting for today . 'm off to do my revision ): Bye people !
CWeiLing was
15 years ago
to read through the notes for SBQ , but i feeel asleep =/ hate myself laaaaah
15 years ago 3
dont like people to estimate me when they dont even know what i am thinking / doing about . anyhow ~
CWeiLing hopes
15 years ago
tmr tests , i wont have nega result . worry , ):
15 years ago
and back to my revisionn for tomorrow TESTS ):
CWeiLing thinks
15 years ago
i shall get moving and get my butt off this computer chair ,
CWeiLing says
15 years ago
webcaming with athiraaaaaaaah now . \m/ Funny die . Haha ~
CWeiLing says
15 years ago
wadever it is , i not gonna give a fucking damn on it . tell you before i do so .