103Friends 48Fans
female Leeds, Great Britain (UK)
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`NICOLA thinks
13 years ago 3
that everyone has swapped to Twitter and no one wants to use Plurk anymore. LOLOL
13 years ago 1
on plurk after 1000000000000 years HAHA. Karma = 0 (;
`NICOLA needs
14 years ago 3
to study for geog test but my books are in the car! :-o
14 years ago 5
reckons that bored is an understatement for how i feel now.
14 years ago
needs to study for geog but i left it in school!
14 years ago 1
glad that she's improving :-)
`NICOLA says
14 years ago
as usual, my karma's gone down.
`NICOLA feels
14 years ago 4
reeeeeally hungry ):
`NICOLA wonders
14 years ago
if she should delete her plurk account.
14 years ago
still doing her stupid compo.