3Friends 5Fans
male Rolla, MO, United States
Exploring the Plurk universe, and making new friends among other things(hehe)
CJSensei says
15 years ago 2
lunch plurk
CJSensei is
15 years ago
Posting a daily Plurk for Karma
CJSensei is
15 years ago 1
plurk o'the day
CJSensei is
15 years ago 3
Sunday Plurk
CJSensei is
15 years ago 4
April 3rd Plurk......Friday!!!
CJSensei is
15 years ago 1
Plurk plurk plurk
CJSensei is
15 years ago
Last plurk of the day......be here tomorrow
CJSensei is
15 years ago 10
April fool's plurk
CJSensei is
15 years ago
Early, but last plurk of the day, gotta raise the Karma
CJSensei is
15 years ago
Testing Plurk xfer copy to FB and Twitter