12Friends 28Fans
female Lyons, KS, United States
BuckShan7 asks
15 years ago
where should I look for a program that offers whiteboard, audio and video capabilities, completely online?
BuckShan7 thinks
15 years ago
it's been a very long week. :'-(
BuckShan7 thinks
15 years ago
I'll tackle the laundry this morning
BuckShan7 says
15 years ago
BuckShan7 loves
15 years ago
that daughter is weight bearing again!
BuckShan7 is
15 years ago 1
thinking about lunch.
BuckShan7 likes
15 years ago
that it's FRIDAY!!!!
BuckShan7 wonders
15 years ago
is there a site where I can download MS Groove Chat? I can't seem to find just the Chat piece. I don't want the whole Groove Pkg
BuckShan7 loves
15 years ago
that I was able to sleep in this morning. I didn't get up until 6:30....ahhhhh!