Happy holidays! One of the most requested topics are FF VII Materia rules, so as a small Christmas present to all players, I hereby present the optional Materia rules for FFRPG 4e: Optional Rules - Final Fantasy RPG 4th Edition Hope you enjoy!
So... I don't know if I got anyone hearing this, but... We got a presidential election here and a facist is leading the polls. We have a significant chance of becoming a right-wing dictatorship (akin to Turkey or Russia) in a few years, and the first step is this Sunday. Wish us all luck.
To create a character, pick one Background, one Color, one Fighting Style and one Power Origin. Each choice will give you different skills, powers and anything else we put in the game. Then choose your name and your character is ready.
svensational I just found the best baseline mechanic for a Super Sentai RPG, and know no one better versed in japanese spandex hero tropes... What about writing a game with me?
svensational and nonfiltered, is that editing offer still up? 'cause I just finished writing a revised corerulebook for FFRPG 4e and surely could use that help