103Friends 83Fans
female Second Life, IL, United States
Coralie Anne Sage
Ryleigh Elaine Paige

{Petite Bowtique}
Owner and Designer

Rascal Flatts - Stand
8 years ago
HELP me make vday special this year? I want to make a collage for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day (he's a smooshy heartfelt kind of guy)

I know everyone here is from all over the world so if you can help please do!

Write "Robbie,
Sofia's love is so strong it reached (your location)"

I would be so greatful for any photos!
♔Ryleigh says
8 years ago
ATTENTION All gachas are 25L per play until friday at midnight <333 Second Life Maps | Yumac
♔Ryleigh says
8 years ago 4
is SL secret santa happening this year
♔Ryleigh says
8 years ago 3
Morning Petites! Today marks the beginning of our very own Advent calendar! Once a day you can come to the store and grab a free gift by the christmas tree. Its only available for that day so dont miss it!
8 years ago
Save 25% until Friday on all Dog items! Use code PICKLE25 Adorable dog accesso...Adorable dog accessories! Save 25% until Friday with...
♔Ryleigh says
8 years ago
SKINS that have omega appliers? clean ones that work for kid faces
♔Ryleigh says
8 years ago 1
Im making dog stuff in rl now!
♔Ryleigh says
8 years ago 7
Is trick or treat at peoples houses happening this year? in sl obvi