14Friends 1Fans
female Ferndale, MI, United States
14 years ago 6
We're wearing summery clothes and drinking summery drinks and eating summery food :-) 7:00!
Boogedy shares
14 years ago 6
Jaimie's new favorite movie is Laid To Rest! WooT!
14 years ago 8
(angry) Why is the Wings game on at 9 instead of 10?? I have a photography seminar 6-10. Mother effer! I am going to be a hot mess.
Boogedy hopes
14 years ago 17
everyone will pray for her. Spending the entire weekend with the in-laws at the lake house with NO INTERNET ACCESS.
Boogedy shares
14 years ago 6
Boogedy wonders
15 years ago 10
if anyone knows what villainous film character created by Mark Jones was played by Warwick Davis in 6 movies?
Boogedy is
15 years ago 4
picking up her lovely teammate Jaimie soon for round 1 of the Quizzo Cup playoffs! GO TEAM SCULPTODORES!
Boogedy thinks
15 years ago 4
that Troll 2 being on TV deserves a plurk!
Boogedy is
15 years ago 2
super excited to see The Crazies and play some Quizzo! :-D Happy Saturday to one and all!