183Friends 64Fans
male Amarillo, TX, United States
HI! I'm teaching 6th grade science in Amarillo Texas, and am interested in things like online learning, project based learning and curriculum integration.

I'm married with two kids ages 9and 5.
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 4
Mythbusters shoots cannonball into Cali house.
Bohunkus is
13 years ago 1
silence no longer golden?
Bohunkus says
13 years ago
Cold today. Colder tonight.
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 1
In 2009, world governments $312 billion in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry while giving $57 billion to renewable energy. Thoughts?
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 9
Word Association: Cold
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 1
Good read - WWII Submarine escape:
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 2
11 degrees, says a climate expert:
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 1
"Crap" spells crap, I want to spell crop, and the other answers, "It's the same thing!"
Bohunkus shares
13 years ago 3
Student arguments are sometimes entertaining. Two students in a heated discussion about the spelling of the word "crop."
Bohunkus asks
13 years ago 7
What's the website where you can do mind mapping and stuff like that? (connecting things visually with bubbles and boxes)